Netflix Star Pleads Guilty to Child Abuse

The star of the Netflix series Cheer, Jeremiah “Jerry” Harris, has pleaded guilty in a criminal case pending against him. The 22-year-old American is charged with child abuse and paying a minor to send him pornographic images. He admits that now.
Jeremiah Harris, 22, has been in prison in Chicago since 2020. Then a Texas mother filed a complaint against him because her two sons were allegedly abused by the star of the award-winning Netflix series Cheer. “In hopes of stopping a sexual predator from doing the same to others, my sons have raised the issue of sexual abuse,” she said.
Specifically, Harris is accused of giving a 17-year-old boy money to send him explicit sexual photos of himself and that he travelled to Florida to abuse a 15-year-old boy. There are also five other charges against him.
He pleaded innocent across the board a year ago, but that has now changed. Harris said Thursday that he has reached an agreement with prosecutors and pleads guilty to two of the seven charges. As a result, he will not be prosecuted for the other five. “His confession gives me hope that the pain and grief my sons have suffered has not been in vain,” the mother said.
According to prosecutors, Harris admitted that he exchanged racy photos with 10 to 15 children he knew were minors in three different states. “He wants to take responsibility for his actions and publicly express his regret for the suffering he caused the victims.” He faces a prison term of 5 to 20 years and will appear in court on June 28.