Brexit Can Be Arranged In October

Brexit Can be Arranged in October. The British Brexit minister Dominic Raab thinks that an agreement with the European Union on the Brexit in October can be arranged.
The deal has already been filled in for 80 percent.
“If the EU were to place as much energy and ambition in the talks as we do, then the agreement is ready in October.”
Despite the possibility of an agreement, Great Britain is preparing for separation without appointments, a tough Brexit.
“A reliable government has a plan ready for when the talks do not go well,” says Raab.
That is why have been hired additional customs officers for the border of the United Kingdom in the event of a hard Brexit.
“People must know that we are prepared for everything so that our country can prosper,” Raab said.
The minister also criticised previous remarks from the European Commission that there is no arrangement for Britons living in the EU.
“It’s irresponsible to say such things, and I think they’re doing that to increase the pressure on us.”
Raab goes to Brussels on Thursday to discuss the Brexit with the EU.
Raab’s predecessor, David Davis resigned due to the Brexit plan from Prime Minister Theresa May.
Shortly after that, Boris Johnson, Minister of Foreign Affairs, left.
Both former ministers are for a tough Brexit.
Johnson stated the United Kingdom would become an EU colony if the May plan were implemented.
May wants the association between the EU and Britain to remain good.