Biden Wants to Appoint Veteran Ron Klain As White House Chief of Staff

Joe Biden, the president-elect of the United States, wants to appoint Ron Klain as Chief of Staff of the White House, The New York Times reports. Klain has been a well-known face at the top of the Democratic party for years.
The White House Chief of Staff ranks as the most senior official on the team of officers serving for the president. Klain worked for Biden in 1989 when he was still a senator on behalf of the state of Delaware, and later when Biden was vice president under Barack Obama, Klain also served Biden’s chief of staff.
“Ron Klain’s extensive and diverse experience and his ability to work with people of all political persuasions are just what I need in a White House Chief of Staff as we face this moment of crisis and bring our country back together”, Biden writes on Twitter.
Klain, a Harvard lawyer, knows the corridors of the Capitol (Washington’s parliament building) like the back of his hand, according to The New York Times. He also advised President Obama in 2014 and 2015 on how to contain an Ebola outbreak, and Klain has extensive business experience.
Ron Klain (59) had been seen by insiders for months as the biggest contender for the job if Biden would become president. On Twitter, he has emerged as an astute and witty critic of President Donald Trump.
The relatively progressive Senator Elizabeth Warren (Massachusetts), who took on Biden this spring in the Democratic primaries, thinks Biden has made “an excellent choice” with Klain. “He understands the magnitude of the health crisis and the economic crisis, and he has the experience to lead this next government through it,” said Warren.