Tens of Thousands of Germans Again Take to the Streets Because of Vaccine Obligation

Tens of thousands of people took to the streets in German cities on Monday evening to protest against corona measures and a possible vaccination obligation.
According to the authorities, there were more than a hundred different demonstrations. There have been many demonstrations in Germany against the corona measures for weeks.
From mid-March, it will be mandatory for Germans who practice certain professions to be vaccinated against Covid-19. The ruling party SPD is preparing a law that would make vaccination mandatory for all Germans, to be voted on in March.
Chancellor Olaf Scholz supports a general vaccination obligation. Earlier, the newspaper Der Tagesspiegel reported on the basis of anonymous sources that a possible general vaccination obligation could take months.
In the meantime, the corona measures do not seem to be relaxed yet. In Germany, restrictive measures apply to access to, among other things, catering. On the other hand, far-reaching measures such as the closure of schools are not in force.
According to a survey conducted last week by the DPA news agency, 24 percent of Germans think the corona rules are too strict. On the other hand, 35 percent support the measures, and 34 percent believe that stricter rules are needed.