Great Britain, France and Germany call on US to Keep Iran Deal

Great Britain, France, and Germany call on US to Keep Iran Deal. Britain, France, and Germany have urged the US not to withdraw from the nuclear deal with Iran. The leaders of the three countries have telephoned each other on Sunday afternoon, posted on Express Paper.
Chancellor Angela Merkel, after her visit to US President Donald Trump, had talks with President Emmanuel Macron and Prime Minister Theresa May about the continuation of the deal. They agreed that the deal should be supplemented with new agreements about Iran’s ballistic missile program.
The three European leaders also agree that the agreement is the best way to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons.
On 12 May, another deadline for President Trump is on the table. He then has to choose whether or not he withdraws from the deal.
Trump must approve the suspension of sanctions against Iran every three months. This is in a deal that Western countries have concluded with the state. In return, Iran must reduce its nuclear program. Trump is not expected to put his signature next month.
New US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Sunday that the US would step out of the deal unless talks with European partners bring improvements.
Pompeo is traveling this weekend in the Middle East and has paid a visit to the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. He reached out to Iran during a press conference.
Earlier during a visit to Saudi King Salman bin Abdul Aziz al-Saud, he called on the Gulf states to stand behind the sanctions against Iran.