4 Basic Reasons You Get Gray Hair Faster

Gray hair is a first confrontation with the fact while you are getting older. With some people, that sometimes causes a shockwave to cause panic, especially if you’re only in their twenties. Whether and when you get gray hair is simply woven into your genes, but there are four environmental factors that can actually make you gray faster.
Most people start to notice the first gray hair once they are in their thirties, others with a bit more luck sometimes even decades later. Those who have parents who have been given gray hair early are sometimes saddled with the phenomenon if you are only in their twenties. It is certainly beyond dispute, sooner or later you will get them. Not only the genetic material plays a role in this. According to the American dermatologist Marie Jhin, there are four factors that may make you more likely to be confronted with gray hair.
By stress:
Although scientists are still discussing a link between stress and gray hair, there are some studies that have indeed established a link between the two. For example, a study by New York University has shown that stress for the depletion of stem cells in the base of hair follicles in mice. “Although there is not much research available yet, there is enough anecdotal evidence,” says Dr. Marie Jhin.
Due to a medical cause:
In some exceptional cases, gray hair may appear as a result of disorders of the thyroid or pituitary gland. Autoimmune diseases such as alopecia and vitiligo that attack the skin and hair can also be the basis for this. “If your own body attacks the hair cells, you can become gray as a result,” says Jhin.
Because of vitamin deficiency:
If you have a vitamin B12 lack, you can also get gray hair faster. You can do this if you are a vegan or a vegetarian and do not supplement those shortages sufficiently with alternatives or if you take the pill or you have the stomach and intestinal problems. This phenomenon occurs in this case if you have pernicious anemia, where you get a shortage of red blood cells because the intestines can not absorb enough B12.
By smoking:
“Smoking is the worst thing you can do for your skin and hair,” says Jhin. “If you look at the skin of smokers, you can see their wrinkles, you will not see any wrinkles on the scalp, but there are certain effects on the hair follicles.” Research has in any case already shown that smoking causes people under 30 to get gray hair faster.