China Parries Criticism of New Hong Kong Security Law

China on Wednesday countered international criticism of the new Hong Kong security law by saying other countries should not interfere.
The international community, including the European Union, the United Kingdom and Japan, reacted critically and concerned about the adoption of the Hong Kong Security Law by the People’s Congress of China.
The US criticized it later Tuesday.
“What’s the matter with you? It’s not your business,” said Zhang Xiaoming of the Hong Kong and Macao Bureau of the Chinese State Council.
“The countries that now say they want to impose severe sanctions on Chinese government officials. That is the logic of bandits.”
According to Zhang, there has been extensive consultation with people from Hong Kong about the law. He parried criticism that the law would undermine Hong Kong’s autonomy.
“If we so wish, we will be able to implement Hong Kong’s criminal and procedural and national security laws. Why bother so much about a specially tailored law for Hong Kong.”