27 Real-Life Nutrition and Health Tips

There is a lot of confusion when it comes to health and nutrition. People, also experts in the field, sometimes seem to have opposite opinions. But despite all this disagreement, some issues are supported by research. Here are twenty-seven health and nutrition tips that have a real scientific basis.
- Do not drink sugar calories
A sugary drink is the most fattening thing you can get. That is because liquid sugar calories are not registered by the brain in the same way as calories from solid foods. That’s why you’re going to eat more calories in total if you drink soft drinks. There is a definite link between sugary drinks and obesity, diabetes 2, cardiovascular diseases and many other health problems. Remember that fruit drinks are almost as bad as soft drinks at this point. They contain as much sugar, and the small amounts of antioxidants do not outweigh the harmful effects of the sugar.
- Eat nuts
Despite the high-fat percentage of nuts, they are incredibly nutritious and healthy. They are full of magnesium, vitamin E, fiber and various other nutrients. Research shows that nuts can help you lose weight and fight diabetes 2 and heart disease. In addition, 10-15% of the calories in nuts are not even digested by the body. There is also some evidence that indicates that they can stimulate the metabolism. One study found that eating weight of almonds increased the weight loss by 62% compared to complex (slower) carbohydrates.
- Avoid processed junk food (and eat raw, real food)
The main reason why the world is fatter and sicker than ever is that there is so much wrong and unhealthy food in the diet. This type of food is manufactured to be ‘hyper-rewarding,’ so our brains are tempted to eat more than we need, which even leads to some people becoming addicted. There are also fewer fibers, proteins, and micronutrients (they are empty calories), but there are many unhealthy things, such as added sugar and refined grains.
- Do not be afraid of coffee
Coffee has poorly been demonized. The truth is that it is very healthy. There are a lot of antioxidants in coffee and studies show that coffee drinkers are living longer and are at less risk of diabetes 2. Parkinson’s disease and many other diseases.
- Eat fatty fish
Almost everyone agrees that fish is healthy. This applies especially to oily fish such as salmon, which is full of omega three fatty acids and various other healthy ingredients. Research shows that people who eat the most fish are less at risk for numerous diseases, including cardiovascular diseases, dementia, and depression.
- Ensure enough sleep
The importance of enough good quality rest cannot remain overvalued. It is perhaps just as important as nutrition and exercise, if not more important. Inadequate sleep can lead to insulin resistance, balancing your hunger hormones and reducing your physical and mental performance. And more importantly, it is one of the most significant individual risk factors for future weight gain and obesity. One study showed that short sleep does associate with an 89% greater risk of obesity in children and 55% in the elderly.
- Take care of your intestinal health with probiotics and fibers
The bacteria in your intestines, called ‘gut microbiota,’ are called the ‘forgotten organ.’ These gut bacteria are essential for all kinds of health-related issues. There is a link between a disturbance in the intestinal bacteria and some of the most severe diseases, including obesity. An excellent way to improve your health is by eating probiotic food (such as live yogurt culture and pickled cabbage), taking probiotic supplements and eating enough fiber. Fibers serve as fuel for the intestinal bacteria.
- Drink water, especially before meals
Drinking enough water can offer many benefits. For example, it works very well as a driver of calorie burning. According to two studies, it can boost the metabolism by 24-30% for 1 to 1.5 hours. If you drink two liters of water per day that gives an extra 96 ??calories burned. Make sure you drink water before half an hour your meal. A study showed that half a liter of water increased by 44% every 30 minutes for each weight loss.
- Do not bake meat too long and do not burn it
Meat can be a nutritious and healthier part of your diet. It is full of protein and contains several other vital nutrients. If the meat is overcooked, you get problems. It can lead to the formation of harmful substances that reduce the risk
- Avoid bright light before going to sleep
If we are exposed to bright light at night, it can disturb the production of the sleep hormone melatonin. An interesting way to circumvent this is by using glasses with amber glass, so that blue light (from, for example, monitor, telephone) is kept out of sight at night. As a result, melatonin can be made as if it is completely dark, making you sleep better.
- Take vitamin D3 if you do not get much sun
In the past, most people received enough vitamin D from the sun. The problem is that most people nowadays do not get much sun. They live in places where there is no sun, or they stay indoors for most of the day or use sunscreen when they go outside. According to data from 2005-2006, approximately 41.6% of the population in the US has a shortage of this crucial vitamin. If enough exposure to the sun is not possible for you, supplementing with a vitamin D supplement appears to be a good, healthy option. It improves the health of the bones, provides more strength, reduced symptoms of depression and a lower risk of cancer, to mention a few benefits.
- Eat fruits and vegetables
Fruits and vegetables are the ‘standard’ healthy foods, and there is a good reason for this. They are full of prebiotic fibers, vitamins, minerals and all kinds of antioxidants, some of which have powerful biological effects. Research shows that people who eat the most fruits and vegetables live longer and are less at risk of heart disease, diabetes 2, obesity and all sorts of other diseases.
- Make sure you eat enough protein
Proteins are incredibly essential, and according to many experts, the recommended daily amount is not enough. Protein is especially important when losing weight and it works through various mechanisms. High protein intake can give the metabolism a proper boost, while it ensures that you are so full that you automatically eat fewer calories. It can also reduce cravings and the desire to snack late at night. Eating enough protein also appears to lower blood sugar and blood pressure levels.
- Do cardio training or walk more
Aerobic training (or cardio) is one of the best things you can do for your mental and physical health. It is especially effective in reducing abdominal fat, the harmful type of fat that accumulates around the organs. Less belly fat should lead to important progress in metabolic health.
- Do not smoke, do not use drugs and drink in moderation
If you smoke or use drugs, your eating habits and exercise are your least important problems. First deal with those smoke/drug problems. If you choose to allow alcohol into your life, use it only in moderation and consider leaving it completely away if you have alcoholic tendencies.
- Use extra virgin olive oil
Extra virgin olive oil is one healthiest fat on earth. It is made with monounsaturated fats and powerful antioxidants that are healthy for heart and blood vessels and help fight inflammation. Extra virgin olive oil has many beneficial effects on heart health, and people who use it are less at risk of death from heart attacks and strokes.
- Minimize the intake of added sugars
Added sugar is the worst ingredient in the modern diet. A small amount can, but if you eat large amounts, it can wreak havoc on your metabolism. A high sugar intake is associated with numerous diseases, including obesity, diabetes 2, cardiovascular diseases and many forms of cancer.
- Limit the intake of refined carbohydrates
Not all carbohydrates are the same. Refined carbohydrates are highly processed, and all fibers have been removed. There are few nutrients (empty calories), and they can be extremely harmful. Research links refined carbohydrates to excessive eating and numerous metabolic diseases.
- Do not be afraid of being satisfied
Fat The ‘war’ against saturated fat was a misconception. It is true that saturated fat increases cholesterol levels, but it also increases HDL (the ‘good’) cholesterol and changes LDL cholesterol particles from small to large, which is linked with a lower risk of heart disease. New studies conducted on hundreds of thousands of people show that there is no link between consumption of saturated fats and cardiovascular diseases.
- Lift heavy things
Weightlifting is one of the things you can do to strengthen and shape your body. It also leads to considerable improvements in your metabolic condition, including improved insulin sensitivity. The best approach is to go to a gym and do weight lifting, but other strength exercises can be as practical.
- Avoid artificial trans fats
Artificial trans fats are harmful, artificially manufactured fats that have a strong connection with inflammation and heart disease. You better avoid them than the plague
- Use a lot of herbs and spices
There are many incredibly healthy herbs and spices available. Ginger and turmeric, for example, have potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, which results in several beneficial results for health.
- Take good care of your social relationships
Social relationships are very much necessary. Not only for your mental feeling of well-being, but also for your physical health. Research shows that people who have a good relationship with family and friends are healthier and live much more robust than those who do not.
- Now and then go and see what you eat
The only way to know exactly what you eat is to weigh your food and keep track of what nutrients are in it. This is important to find out how many calories you intake. It is also essential to ensure that you get sufficient protein, fiber, and micronutrients. People who track their food consumption in one way or another usually have more success with losing weight and are better off to a healthy diet. In fact, anything that makes you more aware of what you eat will contribute to your success. If you keep everything that you eat. Then you would know exactly where to make adjustments to get closer to your goals.
- Make sure you lose an excess of belly fat
Not all body fat is the same. The problems are usually begun by the fat in your abdominal cavity, the belly fat. This fat accumulates around the organs and is fully associated with metabolic disorders. That is why the size of your waistline may better reflect how healthy you are than your weight on the scale. Reducing the number of carbohydrates, eating more protein and eating a lot of fiber are great ways to get rid of belly fat.
- Do not go ‘on a diet.’
Diets are, as is well known, ineffective and in the long term they rarely work well. Dieting is even one of the influential predictors of future weight gain. Instead of going on a diet, you better try to develop a better lifestyle. Focus on nourishing your body instead of remembering it from food. Weight loss should naturally occur as a natural side effect of better food choices and improved metabolism.
- Eat eggs and do not throw away the yolk
Eggs are so nutritious that they are called the ‘multivitamin of nature.’ It is a myth that eggs would be bad for you because of cholesterol. Research shows that they do not affect blood cholesterol levels in most people. Moreover, research shows that egg consumption is not related to the risk of heart disease. Then it remains that we are dealing here with one of the most nutritious foods on earth and in the yolk are all the nutrients. The worst advice from dietary history that you can give is telling people to throw away the yolk.