Next Release of Browser Chrome Deleted by Coronavirus

Google is deleting the next release of the open-source browser Chromium, M82, in connection with the coronavirus.
This release would be the foundation for the next major upgrade to Chrome on Windows, Mac, Android and ChromeOS. This release may therefore also be cancelled.
Jason Kersey reports this in a blog post. “As we adjust our planned milestones to reflect the current schedule change, we have decided to skip the M82 release to ensure that we keep users safe and focus all our energy on monitoring stability,” said Kersey.
M82 is the new release of Chromium and would be the basis for the next major upgrade of Chrome on Windows, Mac, Android and Chrome OS.
Kersey announces that M82 will be skipped in its entirety. The company plans to turn its attention to M83 in the future.
Chromium is not only the basis for the web browser Chrome, but also for other web browsers, including Microsoft Edge. Google’s decision is, therefore, likely to influence these browsers as well.