Amber Rudd Resigns as Home Secretary Because of Windrush scandal

The British minister Rudd van Binnenlandse Zaken resigns because of the so-called Windrush scandal. The minister has recently received a lot of criticism because her ministry uses quotas for the expulsion of immigrants, published by Hope News.
Rudd denied that she knew about the existence of quotas, but today the British newspaper The Guardian published a letter that revealed something else. The document, which the Minister has signed, states that her department strives to increase the number of forced evictions by ten percent. These include people from the Windrush generation.
That generation came from the Caribbean to Great Britain between the late 40s and early 70s. The first arrived after the Second World War with the ship Empire Windrush.
Because they came from the Commonwealth, they did not have to have official documents at that time. The government now regards them and their offspring as illegal.
Rudd says she regrets that she has misled the parliament about the quota. Premier May has accepted the resignation.