More Than A Quarter of A Million Corona Deaths in the US
In the United States, more than 250,000 people have now died from Covid-19, according to figures from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore.
This means about 18.5 percent of the global death toll has fallen in the US.
No country has mourned as many deaths as the US. The country is also at a lonely height in terms of the total number of infections. There are now almost 11.5 million.
Since the elections at the beginning of this month, daily records in terms of the number of new corona infections have regularly been broken. The number of hospital admissions due to corona in the US is also peaking more than before.
The city of New York, where the virus hit hard earlier this year, decided on Wednesday to close the schools again after the number of new infections crossed a critical limit.
President-elect Joe Biden has repeatedly emphasized that the fight against the corona pandemic and its disastrous economic consequences will be his administration’s top priority.
The Trump administration has been defendants by critics of acting too slowly and taking too little lead in shaping a nationwide approach. For example, individual states had to bid against each other for a long time to obtain scarce personal protective equipment and respirators.
Trump himself has also admitted that earlier this year he consciously downplayed the seriousness of the coronavirus for the reason that he did not want to cause panic. In early October, it was announced that he and his wife Melania had also tested positive for the lung virus.