Cyprus is Suing Agents for Serial Killer Negligence

The authorities in Cyprus are prosecuting fifteen police officers who would have been negligent while a serial killer was active on the island.
He killed at least five women and two children aged 6 and 8.
The police were under fire for not taking the missing women and their daughters seriously. The victims came from the Philippines, Romania and Nepal.
The perpetrator, army officer Nikos Metaxas, is now serving a life sentence. He contacted the women via the internet and later killed them. This happened between September 2016 and August 2018.
It was not until April 2019 that a serial killer victim was first found. Tourists found the body in a mine shaft. In the months that followed, the remains of other victims were discovered.
The case sparked shocked reactions on the island.
Critics argued that some women might have lived if police had handled the case better. Investigators also concluded that the police had dropped stitches.