Interpol Finds 12,000 Sim Cards in West African Scammers

Interpol raided suspects in 14 countries at the end of September. The detainees are said to be involved in financial fraud on a large scale.
A total of 75 arrests were made in the raid. They would operate from West Africa and with local people in countries such as Italy or South Africa.
A total of 1.2 million euros was intercepted in seized bank accounts, and 49 searches were carried out. In addition to the 75 arrests, 70 suspects have also been identified thanks to the information found during the searches.
As many as twelve thousand SIM cards were also seized, along with three cars and a lot of cash.
The action was a collaboration of several countries through Interpol. It itself speaks of targeted action against Black Ax and related West African gangs. Black Ax is a group that has been active for decades, but in the last ten years, it has been mainly known for online fraud.
The international police organization warns that scams such as the one carried out by the gang are often a way to invest money in other crimes such as financing drugs or human trafficking.