Violent Protests in Italy Over New Corona Measures

Angry Italians have taken to the streets in several places to express their dissatisfaction with new measures against the coronavirus. There were violent protests in cities such as Turin and Milan.
In Milan, the country’s second city, hundreds of people gathered at the headquarters of the regional government. Demonstrators threw stones, fireworks and incendiary bombs. Protesters have also wreaked havoc in the centre of Turin. There, shop windows had to suffer, among other things.
The police intervened and arrested at least ten protesters in Turin and two in Milan. Demonstrations have also been held in Trieste and Naples.
The protesters are angry because of the tightening of the government’s corona policy. That came on Monday with the strictest measures since the end of the national lockdown.
Catering establishments must close at 6 p.m. and public buildings such as swimming pools, cinemas and theatres must for the time being completely closed.
The number of corona infections detected in Italy has skyrocketed in recent weeks. On Sunday, it was the first time that more than 20,000 new cases of corona occurred in a day.