British Media: Over-50s can Get A Third Shot from Autumn

In the United Kingdom, people over 50 can receive a third vaccination against the coronavirus from the autumn, British media such as The Times and Sky News report.
Healthcare workers, people in poor health and people over 80, are the first to act; after that, the age will be reduced just with the first doses of vaccine. After that, the shot is given six months after the second vaccination.
Prime Minister Boris Johnson is expected to announce the booster vaccination on Tuesday when he unveils a roadmap for fighting the virus in the fall. In the United Kingdom, there is much fear of a new wave of infections if people’s resistance decreases in the winter.
On Monday, the medical journal The Lancet published an article by eighteen researchers stating that there is no evidence that a third shot helps. According to the researchers, a booster offers no better protection than the first two injections already do. Furthermore, multiple studies indicate that the vaccine’s effectiveness may decrease to small extent over time for the Delta variant of the coronavirus.
The researchers warn that touting boosters decreases confidence in the first injections with all the possible side effects. So in many countries, governments are trying to encourage more people to get their first vaccinations.