Significantly Fewer Container Ships from China Due to Coronavirus

The new coronavirus has ensured that 105 sailings from container ships from Asia to Europe and North America have been cancelled.
Such a decline in capacity and cancellations leads to a loss of around 1 billion dollars for the entire container liner shipping, reports the business association Evofenedex. Ships that have departed are usually less full.
In the period from 20 January to 10 February, the capacity in container liner shipping with China decreased by 20 to 40 percent compared to the same period last year. Evofendex points to an analysis by the maritime research agency Drewry. The low point seems not yet reached.
Evofenedex is not only concerned about a large number of cancelled sailings, but also about the low load factor. Due to a lack of staff to handle containers, many remain behind on the quays.
Many ships are expected in European ports from mid-March to mid-April. Only then can a good estimate be made of the damage to entrepreneurs who are mainly dependent on goods from China.
To avoid unpleasant surprises, shipping companies should clearly communicate with their customers which containers have not been taken but have been booked when they depart from Asia.