Author: James Anderson
Oil Price Drops After The Talk
Oil Price drops after the Talk between Trump and Oil cartel OPEC. The oil price has fallen the following comment sharply from US President Donald Trump. ... -
“Amazon Employees Also Had Access”
“Amazon Employees also had Access to Alexa users Location.” The team that has to listen to recordings from Alexa users also appears to have access to ... -
Useful Safety Tips for Kids Bunk Beds
The bed is furniture or premises used as a place to sleep or rest! Siblings share a children’s room! Stability and security should be the at ... -
Microsoft Stops Years Earlier With App Updates
Microsoft Stops years earlier with App updates for Windows 8 than Planned. Microsoft will stop supporting Windows 8 from July 1, 2019. Apps will no ... -
Sri Lanka Attacks Tearing Families Apart: No Words can Describe This Pain
Due to the terrorist attacks during Easter celebrations in Sri Lanka, entire families have been torn apart. Who are these people? A selection from the families ... -
The Prosecutor Robert Mueller’s Report is Likely to be Released Mid-April
Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller’s report is likely to be released mid-April or perhaps even earlier. That is what the American Justice Minister William Barr said in ... -
Christchurch: General Secretary of OIC Called A Meeeing in Turkey
General Secretary of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) called on the Foreign Minister’s level meeting after a terrorist attack on the Mosque in Christchurch. ... -
Paris Police Chief ‘Elle West’ Fired on Failure to Stop the Protest
Paris Police Chief ‘Elle West’ Fired on Failure to Stop the Protest. The French government dismissed the police chief of the capital Paris office in the ... -
Transitional Arrangement For Tax Consequences
Transitional Arrangement for Tax consequences ‘no deal-Brexit’ in the Making. Citizens and companies for whom a Brexit without a deal between Great Britain and the European ... -
More Than 100 Million Devices With Amazon’s Voice Assistant Alexa Sold
More Than 100 million Devices with Amazon’s voice assistant Alexa Sold. Since November 2014, more than one hundred million devices have been sold with Alexa, the ...